Is your healthy eating plan actually healthy?

Perth dietitian & nutritionist, non-diet nutrition, healthy eating

Wanting to lose weight and eat “clean” has become so normalised now that most people don’t think of their dieting habits as anything abnormal. Research suggests that at least 10% of Australian women and 8% of Australian men regularly engage in eating behaviours which actually fit the classification of disordered eating (source: NEDC). Disordered eating is a major risk factor for developing an eating disorder (ED). EDs are potentially life-threatening mental health conditions which can affect people of all ages and genders.

Your body needs the nutrients from a range of foods every day to function at its best. Dietitians are experts at understanding which nutrients you need and the relationship between food and health. Dieting risks you not getting all the nutrition you need. For example, “cutting carbs” can mean you struggle to eat enough dietary fibre. It’s not uncommon for people on low-carb diets to complain of getting constipated. Dieting is also linked to poor mental health outcomes too, such as increased feelings of anxiety and depression, and poorer body image.

As a non-diet dietitian, with experience working with clients experiencing disordered eating, I can talk openly with you about your health intentions and discuss whether your eating plan is actually in the best interests of your physical and mental health. During your coaching sessions, we can explore ways to optimise your nutrition AND enjoy your eating without feeling guilty or ashamed. You can action your health intentions with behaviours that you can maintain long-term, instead of trying another quick fix that leaves you back at square one once you’re finished.

If this sounds like an approach that could help you, let’s talk about it some more together. I’m ready when you are.