Complimenting weight loss

Perth dietitian & nutritionist, non-diet nutrition, healthy eating

Is it ok to comment on someone’s weight? I made this handy flow chart to help you out! My advice is to avoid commenting on someone’s weight unless they directly talk to you about it.

If you praise someone for losing weight, you could be reinforcing disordered eating or disordered exercise that’s led to that weight loss. You’re also contributing to the pressure they feel to maintain that weight loss, and the disappointment they feel when they gain the weight back.

What if a friend or loved one talks to you about their recent weight change loss/gain and expects you to say something back? Rather than responding to the weight change, respond to how they feel about it. Finish by reminding them that their weight doesn’t define how much they mean to you as a person.
– “I can tell that you’re really proud of yourself for losing weight. I like you no matter what your weight is, and I think you’re a great friend.”
– “I’m sorry that you’re feeling unhappy about your weight. You’re still the same kind, funny, loving sister no matter what you weigh.”

I know that it comes so naturally to compliment someone’s weight loss. There are other ways to compliment someone, ways that build up their self esteem and promote a positive body image. It just takes a bit of practice.