The diet industry wants you to fail

Perth dietitian & nutritionist, non-diet nutrition, healthy eating

If you feel unhappy with your body, do you turn to a diet or meal plan? It sounds simple enough: if you’re unhappy with your weight, go on a diet (or meal plan or healthy lifestyle change etc.) to lose weight and you’ll feel better about yourself… right? The reality is that dieting is likely to make you feel worse about your body in the long run.

Most people who lose weight through dieting end up gaining it all back, and many gain back more weight than they first lost. The billion dollar diet industry profits from you feeling unhappy about your body, and they profit from selling you false promises and a faulty product.

Here’s something they don’t want you to know: if you’re unhappy with your body, your choices aren’t just to diet or do nothing. You have another option. Working with an experienced non-diet health professional can support you to improve your body image regardless of how your body looks. It’s not about having to love your body, it’s about being able to appreciate your body as a whole and detach your self worth from your appearance.

Respecting your body regardless of what it looks like takes strength, especially if you don’t fit today’s incredibly narrow standards of what’s considered attractive. You might surprise yourself with just how strong you really are.