Diets work for the diet industry

Fact: diets work to drive profits for the billion-dollar diet industry that makes money from you feeling bad about your body and your eating.

Research and shown that most people who intentionally lose weight will gain back the weight they lose plus a little extra. This is actually your body trying it’s best to counteract what it perceives as a threat to your survival. Diets fail because they force you into a corner that you just can’t comfortably stay in long term. It is NOT a lack of willpower or motivation on your part.

But the diet industry wants you to think that it’s your fault and that you just need to try harder the next time, and the next time, and the time after that. More time, money and energy spent.

Fact: you can reject diet culture and find a healthy balance with your food that makes you feel good physically and mentally. You can stop the cycle of weight loss and weight gain, and reach a stable peace with your body.

Very soon, I’ll be letting you know about an exciting project that I’m working on to help you through the process of rejecting diet culture. Stay tuned!