Dress for the body you have now

When a client tells me they want to lose weight, I always follow that up with asking them what they’re hoping that losing weight will do for them. A common response is that the person doesn’t feel comfortable in their clothes at their current size. I get it, I really do. I used to feel that refusing to buy bigger clothes meant I’d be motivated to lose weight so I’d feel comfortable again. In reality, it just meant that every time I put on an item of clothing that was a little too small, I felt unhappy with my body and felt ashamed that I hadn’t lost weight yet. These uncomfortable emotions weren’t great for my mental health, and actually made me less motivated to care for my body.

Since going diet-free, I’ve felt comfortable buying the size clothes that make me feel good. I don’t really care about the size is on the label. If I try on the size I think I need but find that I need a bigger or smaller size, that doesn’t bother me like it used to.

It’s normal for your body to change over time. Wearing the clothes that feel comfortable is a way of respecting your body and showing yourself that you’re worth taking care of.

I’d love to know what you think. Do you have clothes of different sizes or do you get rid of your old clothes when you lose or gain weight?