Don’t believe the diet industry’s BS!

Perth dietitian & nutritionist, non-diet nutrition, healthy eating

More and more people everyday are waking up to the fact that diets just don’t work in the long run. The non-diet approach is an alternative to dieting that supports you to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body. Rather than relying on someone else to tell you what, when, and how much to eat, you’re supported to feel confident to make these choices yourself. Responding to your body’s needs helps you feel satisfied and comfortable. Being flexible with your eating means you’re less likely to experience uncomfortable emotions like guilt or shame.

Lately I’ve been seeing a really disturbing trend of people in the diet industry deliberately misrepresenting what the non-diet approach is about. While it’s worrying, I can’t say that it’s all that surprising. They know that their product is failing people, and they’ve noticed the trend of people ditching dieting for good. It has them scared about losing their income source. So how do they respond? By sowing distrust and making you feel like you can’t go it alone. They want you to tell feel unsure about trying the non-diet approach, because this hesitation gives them a chance to suck you back in. Each time you go through the diet cycle, it’s more money in their pocket through meal plans, diet books, weight loss pills, low-calories shakes, bogus wellness coaching, and dodgy weight loss products.

If you’re interested in finding an alternative to dieting, and you’ve heard about the non-diet approach but you’re not sure what it’s about then I’d love to set the record straight for you! Browse through the information on my website, and check out my Diet-Free Me: Beginner’s guide, included in my DIY package. I’m always happy to chat with you on the phone, and I can let you know if my approach can help you action your health intentions.